Assisting individuals in overcoming gambling addiction challenges

Gambling Disorder is a behavioral addiction characterized by persistent and uncontrollable urges to gamble, despite negative consequences. Individuals with this disorder may experience financial difficulties, relationship strain, and impairment in various areas of life. Recognizing the signs of gambling disorder is essential for intervention and support.

Symptoms include:

  • Inability to control or stop gambling
  • Preoccupation with gambling activities
  • Gambling with increasing amounts of money
  • Restlessness or irritability when not gambling
  • Lying about gambling activities

Treatment for Gambling Disorder often involves cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), support groups, and financial counseling. A compassionate and non-judgmental approach is crucial in addressing the underlying issues.

How We Can Help
Vibrant Mental Wellness offers telehealth psychiatric services for individuals struggling with Gambling Disorder. Our team understands the complexities of behavioral addictions and provides empathetic support. We work collaboratively to develop strategies for managing urges, addressing financial concerns, and fostering a healthier relationship with gambling.